Houseof Wax is a 2005 slasher film directed by Jaume Collet-Serra, in his feature directorial debut, and written by Chad Hayes and Carey W. Hayes.The film stars Elisha Cuthbert, Chad Michael Murray, Brian Van Holt in a dual role, Paris Hilton, Jared Padalecki, Jon Abrahams, and Robert Ri'chard.It is a loose remake of the 1953 film of the same name, itself a remake of the 1933 film Mystery of Thefriendsdiscover that the psychotic siblings have expanded the area's mainattraction--the House of Wax--and created an entire town filled with thewax-coated corpses of unlucky visitors. Now the group must find a wayout before its members also become permanent exhibits in the House ofWax. Remake of the Warner Bros. horror classic, which was Houseof Wax . 5.4 123,464. 5.4 123,464. Trailer. A group of unwitting teens are stranded near a strange wax museum and soon must fight to survive and keep from becoming the next exhibit. Genre: Horror, Thriller. Download full movie House of Wax Download House of Wax Bioskop168 1Kviews 2 years ago. Nonton Film HOUSE OF WAX Sub Indonesia, ketika manusia dirubah menjadi patung penghuni musium lilin terbesar di dunia. Part 2 cek disini : • ALUR CERITA FILM
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Agroup of unwitting teens are stranded near a strange wax museum and soon must fight to survive and keep from becoming the next exhibit. Genre: Drama, Horror Actors: Brian Van Holt, Chad Michael Murray, Elisha Cuthbert, Jared Padalecki, Paris Hilton Directors: Jaume Collet-Serra Production: Warner Bros. Pictures.

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Houseof Wax (2005) No votes. A group of unwitting teens are stranded near a strange wax museum and soon must fight to survive and keep from becoming the next exhibit. By: admin. Posted on: April 23, 2019. Genre: Drama, Horror. Download full movie House of Wax Download House of Wax Bioskop168 Download House of Wax Bioskopkeren Download House of
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EveryBody. from $9.99. Purchase House of Wax on digital and stream instantly or download offline. A group of friends on their way to a college football game falls prey to a pair of murderous brothers in an abandoned small town. The friends discover that the psychotic siblings have expanded the area's main attraction--the House of Wax--and
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