The bus fare from KLIA2 to KL Sentral is charged reasonably in a range of RM 12.00 to RM 15.00. Bus fare might increase slightly during festive seasons depending on the operator providing bus service from KLIA2 to KL Sentral. Bus from KLIA2 to KL Sentral mainly departs from KLIA 2 and drop off passengers at KL Sentral Bus Terminal.
Puduraya Bus Terminal (Pudu Sentral) KL Sentral; You can take the Star Shuttle at the klia2 airport to go to Puduraya Bus Terminal. Or just take the Skybus to go to KL Sentral. Once you are at the Cameron Highlands, check out some exciting activities to do. Check out hotels on promations at the Cameron Highlands.
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YoYo bus at klia2 & KLIA provides airport bus service from Kuala Lumpur International Airport Terminal 1 (KLIA) and Terminal 2 (klia2) to Ipoh (Bercham, Terminal Bus Aman Jaya), Taiping, Johor Bahru and Yong Peng. All passengers are advised to arrive at the departure point 15 minutes before scheduled departure. YoYo Bus at the klia2.Traveling by bus from Melaka to KLIA/KLIA2 the journey takes about four to five hours depending on the traffic. The bus pick-up point is from Melaka Sentral & Mahkota Medocal Central. Some bus companies offer their customers with express services they only stop at the refreshment points for about twenty minutes to allow their customers to Bus from KL Sentral to Klia2: MYR 15: 1 to 1.5 hours: Bus from Klia to KL Sentral: MYR 15: 1 hour 15 min: Bus from Ipoh to KL: MYR 21: 3 hour 15 min: Bus from TBS to KLIA2: MYR 12: housing and transport committee, there will now be a bus every 15 minutes from Seremban to Kuala Lumpur from 5am to 7.30am and on the return journey from 4.30pm Next post: Previous post: KLIA Ekspres Train Schedule from klia2 to KLIA & KL Sentral Previous post: Next post: Taman Melati LRT station at Northern edge of KL's city limits is not affiliated, associated, or in any business relationship with Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad (MAHB), the management company operating the KLIA and Discover Kuala Lumpur; KLIA Ekspres + GoCar; KLIA Transit; Standard Tickets; TravelCards; Concession Tickets; Others; Add-ons; Flight Check-in at KL Sentral; Rail Partners; Level 2, KL City Air Terminal, KL Sentral Station, 50470 Kuala Lumpur Contact Us +603 2267 8000 Monday - Friday 8:30AM - 6:00PM Local Time Email us. Our Awards. Help Beli Tiket Bas Ekspres dari KLIA 2 ke KL Sentral. Semak jadual bas, bandingkan harga tiket bas, jimat wang & tempah tiket bas ke KL Sentral. Cepat! Tempah Tiket Bas Atas Talian Sekarang di Easybook Malaysia45gQXP.